Find Bindomatic Thermal Binding Machines And Covers

Available through and exclusively offered in the UK by Renz, an incredibly simple, straightforward thermal cover binding system from Bindomatic of Sweden. Binding up to fifteen documents in one go with a sixty second bind cycle. Imagine…fifteen documents bound in one minute taking all the pressure out of those last minute pressurised binding jobs. Look at the features of these fabulous little machines. Thermal binding often has a reputation for being at the ‘cheap and nasty’ end of the market with pages falling out. However the Bindomatic covers use a unique heat gluing system which has proven to be one of the strongest binds on the market. The durability of these covers is excellent and will stand the test of time.

1). Bindomatic machines will bind both soft and hard covers for a truly professional appearance.

2). Your beautifully bound document can easily be edited (should that be necessary!). Put the document back in your Bindomatic for thirty seconds then remove or add a page, simple! Bindomatic recommend that you re-bind documents with the same cover no more than two times as the binding strength will inevitably weaken.

3). Your professional looking bound document will never fall apart!  The incredibly strong bind quality using a webbed glue strip unique to Bindomatic guarantees that pages do not fall out. Shake you beautifully bound document by the middle pages and find out for yourself!

4). As a unique added feature to Bindomatic, these machines will bind thick, high quality, glossy paper stock simply by adding an extra twenty seconds to the bind time to ensure the strong secure bind that everyone already using these fantastic machines has come to expect. Just tap the heat plate with the document three times when using premium paper types and the binding cycle will be extended.

5). Using Bindomatic machines there are a wide range of cover colours, options and styles available to ensure that you are producing very professional looking documents that can easily be personalised to you preferred corporate look. Hard or soft covers with or without window cuts, professionally personalised with company logos and images are all possibilities.

6) What your level of thermal binding requirements Bindomatic have a machine to fit the bill. The entry level Bindomatic 1000 is great for the SOHO market and producing one off bound documents. The Bindomatic 5000 machine is a powerful manually operated thermal binding machine which will bind up to an impressive 15 documents per minute in less than 60 seconds! The Bindomatic 7000 is great for copy shops and print rooms where you can load up to 20 documents per minute. The Bindomatic 9000 operates on a similar system where the user feeds the documents in one end and then come up the other end beautifully bound. The 9000 model will bind an impressive 60 documents per minute.

Contact us here to arrange a demonstration from the manufacturer of one of these very special machines. We know you will not be disappointed!

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